The street people homeless and alone the shepherds watching in the cities, urban landscape in the dark, cold night They would be the ones hearing the songs of the angel choir going to the place under the bridge where the Christ child was born there to find the father and mother the child wrapped as best they could Kneeling at the savior’s bed a box, newspapers, that was all there in the cold of night answering the angels call Out into the world proclaiming the Messiah’s birth wondering who would listen to the message such humble witnesses alone in the streets
December 20, 2009 Alive Now Daily Reflections for December 14, 2009 to December 20, 2009 Luke 2:1-7 (December 18, 2009) Luke 2:8-20 (December 19, 2009) & Luke 2:6-7 & Advent Christmas offering letter Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH