Would it be under a bridge by Raymond A. Foss
If Mary and Joseph entered into a city, a town where would they lay their heads is no room was found would it be under a bridge in a part, the woods who would play the part of the angels, the shepherds where would the Messiah lay his head
December 20, 2009 Alive Now Daily Reflections for December 14, 2009 to December 20, 2009 http://alivenow.upperroom.org/daily-reflections/daily-reflections-for-december-14-20/ Luke 2:1-7 (December 18, 2009) Luke 2:8-20 (December 19, 2009) & Luke 2:6-7 & Advent Christmas offering letter http://www.suncookumc.org Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH