His life, his ministry, his example by following, eternity He lifted the ancient text taking the prophecy, as his call, claiming the words of Isaiah I am, the words fulfilled Claiming the service, the ministry the words of the prophet in claiming him, as our own, our risen lord, our savior taking up the scripture, the call taking on the work of our master bringing relief, hope, bringing our father’s love out into a broken world where there is still hunger, thirst, where the poor shiver still in the cold where the sick, the homeless, the prisoners still yearn to be free, to be loved going as he was sent, going in his name walking from Isaiah, journeying to eternal life
January 25, 2009 Isaiah 42:6-8 Luke 4:18-19 Matthew 25:31-40 and sermon, “Righteous Say When?” by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH