Wanting so much to walk, for them, so they would have something to eat, some clean water to drink, that those in need would have no want; that is why we walked Holding her hand, at the back of the pack the last walkers, struggling up the hill We walked because of their poverty, something she believed worth it. Her faith carrying her on, each of them walking, trudging, scuffing their feet Holding their hands, each in turn, encouraging them, and their cause walking with them, because so many have to walk, for food, for water
October 12, 2008 Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty (CROP) Walk, http://www.churchworldservice.org/CROP/ Concord, NH, 10/11/08 http://www.cropwalkonline.org/site/TR/CropWalks/General?pg=entry&fr_id=2215 walking with Shyanne (8) and Shanequa (6), at the very back of the walk October 15, 2008 Blog Action Day, poverty