Walking With Them by Raymond A. Foss
Choosing to walk, the six-mile course of a beautiful, brilliant fall afternoon Very different than the daily struggle, walking they do, to find food, potable water walking in poverty, they have no choice. But we, even in our abundance, trying, in a small way walking with them, to remember them, to reach out our hands, in love, in faith to try, in this small way to help them help them with their daily bread, with their water walking with them, because they must
October 12, 2008 Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty (CROP) Walk, http://www.churchworldservice.org/CROP/ Concord, NH, 10/11/08 http://www.cropwalkonline.org/site/TR/CropWalks/General?pg=entry&fr_id=2215 October 15, 2008 Blog Action Day, poverty