For God’s love raised Christ from the depths of death, for the forgiveness of our sins, and we must work, not to earn the gifts; but to show the reverent praise so richly deserved for such a gift as this Within creation, we alone, understand are called to the Father through the gift of the Son, out in the fields, in the garden, spreading the good news the reconciliation of ourselves to God, fulfilling the commission in our own ways, with our own gifts
September 21, 2007 Inspired by the sermon by, “Regenerating the Human Spirit”, Rev. Lori Eldredge, August 26, 2007 Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH Colossians 1:9-20
Earlier poem on same sermon: Stewards of the Garden
We are called to maintain, to protect, to tend the garden, to weed, to water, to prune, to care, to plant, to harvest, to till, to feed to respect the garden, to leave the garden for others to enjoy