The Big Boat, the Big House by Raymond A. Foss
We strive so much, so often, for that big house, the big boat, the toys, the excess of the world gold, where the heart is, all too often losing sight of the important, the worthy the calling we have, to live as Paul said, as he told Timothy, the young priest to live, to live a life, worthy to be as God would be, as love would dictate with faith like Abraham, righteous, under the law, and the good news
October 3, 2007 7:54pm Sermon, “It’s All About Sharing”, by the Reverend Lori Eldredge, Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH, 9/30/07 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Psalm 107, Psalm 37:4, Hebrews 6:19