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Not to the silent but to the gadflies by Raymond A. Foss

God gives words to the prophets
to those who will not be silent
who would call out for justice
who rail against the mighty
the corruption of the powerful
not to the shy but to the gadflies
calling out the arrogant
those who use their power to oppress
may the those who speak
ever be filled, able
with the Spirit’s power
to speak truth ever
that righteousness would rain down
upon the hearts of the powerful
ever to be drawn closer
to the heart of God
that we would live more justly
with all of our neighbors,
all over this world
to the ends of the earth

July 3, 2010
written as a series of poems:
Matthew 5:3
- Not to the full but to the empty”
Matthew 5:4
- “Not to the joyful but to those who sorrow”
Matthew 5:5
- “Not to the proud but to the humble”
Matthew 5:6
- Not to the silent but to the gadflies”
Matthew 5:7
- “Not to power but to mercy”
Matthew 5:8
- “Not to the world but to the creator”
Matthew 5:9
- “Not to war but to peace”
Matthew 5:10
- Not to the Timid but to the persecuted”
Matthew 5:11
- Not to be praised but to be ridiculed”
Matthew 5:1-13
and email, “Notes from Peter” (Hey)
received July 1, 2010
“This Sunday my sermon is titled “Pursuing More Than Happiness,”
and it is based on Matthew 5:1-13. If you have a few minutes to read
this passage of scripture prior to attending the service, you might get
a little more out of the sermon. In this sermon, I want to challenge us all
to live with greater intentionality and to find deeper levels of meaning
for our lives. Instant gratification can be the enemy of faithful living.
Intentionality is the path to blessedness.”
Wesley United Methodist Church
Concord, NH
July 4, 2010
Independence Day

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. Contact me at Ray Foss
for usage.
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