Within our houses the world around shut down nature bringing forth its wrath we are hunkered down the snow piling higher still all the roads closed, still the drifts up against the house dunes of snow intense
Locked within our homes no way to go out the howling winds of winter how they scream and shout Barring out egress our homes our world alone what to do within the house within the raging storm
January 8, 2010 --- Carol Childress to me 1/7/2010 11:48 PM Dear Raymond, I really am not stalking you. I just find it so interesting to have contact with an actual poet!! I was wondering if you had a poem for my blog today or could write one if you look at my blog. http://carolchil.blogspot.com Stayed inside all day today Wind howling outside Leaky windows Snow blowing under the door puppy really wants inside Painted, cleaned, moved furniture, sorted, cooked, ate too much, watched movies wrapped up in blankets, had hot chocolate, read a book, did a little scrapbooking, have a very bored teenage daughter, garage drifted shut, roads drifted shut, school called off, interstates around my area are closed.....school is closed again tomorrow. Do you have the perfect poem for me??? Thanks, Carol