The congregation, in our amens, the waving hands, the nodding heads the hearts smiling, in his words, a prayer for our country, for our time that we would heed the words the ancient words of Deuteronomy of our land, our people in the same peril, the same malaise upon our land, the same hubris arrogance, denying the central role That all of our abundance flowing, as an unmerited gift, agape love from God alone a prayer too, that we would find our voice each of us, the mingled flocks all under the one good shepherd that we would find new resolve, new ways to reach out, to speak out to shout into this wilderness land so much more to do to bring the message, in some ways, the same message of Deuteronomy that our trust, our believe, our faith in God alone; but more for we are the resurrection, Easter people knowing more than they did way back when the words were written of the loving sacrifice of our savior born so long ago, laid in that manger bed his gift, his offering, one time and for all people All of these words, a singular message rely upon God; in him is our daily strength and in him is life eternal
November 26, 2009 Call to Worship, thanking God & President George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation October 3, 1789 President Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 3, 1863 & Acts 2:44-47 Children’s Sermon, “Out of Our Abundance, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss Suncook United Methodist Church & Psalm 118:1 Youth Sermon by Pastor Kevin Twombley Grace Capital Church, Concord, NH & Deuteronomy 8:11-20 Sermon, “We are living in a dangerous world”, by Reverend Huntley Halvorson, Suncook United Methodist Church both part of Pembroke – Allenstown Community Thanksgiving Service First Congregational Church of Pembroke Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH Grace Capital Church, Concord, NH St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Allenstown, NH Allenstown – Pembroke Interfaith Food Pantry November 25, 2009 at First Congregational Church of Pembroke Pembroke Street Pembroke, NH