Our mother, of our brother our savior, the Christ so we sing, joining her singing the song of Mary its melody alive shining in the night the darkness lit by his bright star Claiming our faith like Mary a servant of God to be walking humbly with our creator welcoming our king
November 27, 2009 Isaiah 2:1-4 Jeremiah 33:14-15 Luke 1:46-50 and sermon, “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas” by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, http://www.suncookumc.org Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH November 29, 2009 First Sunday of Advent part of a series of sermons, using the Advent Conspiracy http://www.adventconspiracy.org/ & poem from last year: ------------ Magnificat
Joining Mary, her song sung to God, for all generations - blessings we share, each of us with her, all creation, blessed by the creator humble servants are we, walking with our brother sharing this wondrous message, with her, the angels, those who have gone before us
A choir, singing her song, our song of praise, of grace, of God’s great works rejoicing with our mother, our sister at all the almighty has done for us, for the people, the descendants of Abraham by faith, by his love, all of us saved Share the good news
December 21 and 27, 2008 Micah 4:1-7 Luke 1:46-55 and sermon, “An Upside Down Christmas”, by Reverend Huntley Halvorson http://www.suncookumc.org Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH