What must those disciples have thought, hearing these words of the risen Christ coming to them, into the room even though the doors were locked; Entering into their presence breathing the spirit upon them offering them peace and sending them into the world
As the father sent me, so I send you the words of the risen Messiah just as had been prophesized standing in their midst Sending them out to offer the love of the father sharing his message of hope to all who would lend an ear Bringing the Christ into each town, each place the servant king dwelling within us the spirit of the risen Lord a smile upon our face
Going out into the world from that start that day to the ends of the earth right up to this present time Waiting for his return his promise yet to come In the waiting time, sharing Christ in our time in our own gifted way Being the hands and feet of Christ a voice in the wilderness calling all of us sinners home
November 6, 2009 Annual Church Conference moderated by Reverend John Blackadar & John 20:19-22 http://www.suncookumc.org Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH November 5, 2009