A Personal Encounter by Raymond A. Foss
A lesson in those early words after the spirit descended on them not a sermon or words to teach his eyes meeting his The beggar by the temple gate ignored by others that day The disciples meeting his gaze offering words of love and grace
We are to be like those who have gone before serving our fellow man giving them hope and comfort through our works offering them a helping hand Meeting their eyes, their yearning hearts with the gifts the master shared his love, his grace enough to bring healing to a troubled world hope for each woman, each man
October 25, 2009 Matthew 16:13-19 & Acts 3:1-10 Isaiah 40:28-31 (Call to Worship) Ephesians 3:14-20 Worship Theme: “This is not a spectator sport!” & sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson http://www.suncookumc.org Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH 10/25/09