The love we are given by Raymond A. Foss
The love we are given gifts to be given to be shared with our neighbors all we meet on this walk our time on this earth
The gifts we receive, each unique, special from the creator, the savior a song, hope in our lives washing over us, pouring forth living waters, our cups
Overflowing, joy this morning in the sanctuary, in worship in prayer, together a community sharing a smile upon each heart
October 25, 2009 Matthew 16:13-19 Isaiah 40:28-31 (Call to Worship) Ephesians 3:14-20 Worship Theme: “This is not a spectator sport!” & Pastoral Prayer by Pastor Ruth L. Foss & Choral Response & Children’s message by Pastor Ruth L. Foss & sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH 10/25/09