My prayer, for my words the ancient words of Christ beginning in that upper room passed down from the saints to each believer in turn
Hearing these words differently personally, a message from God the words not a ritual, not rote intoning of the words of Christ
Passion instead, power, tears welling up, crying at the altar rail feeling the master before us, as if in that upper room
His blood dripping down, pouring down upon us anointing us, washing us over our beard, our collar seared into our very hearts
His body, broken, seeing his hurt in his eyes knowing the path he would take our hands touching his flesh cupped in our trembling hands
Our eyes rising, after eating the bread, drinking of the cup meeting His eyes a glimpse of his love, his divinity an expression of our thanks and praise
October 7, 2009 in preparation for the message I will be giving tonight in our worship service after the Our Family’s Table weekly dinner 1 Corinthians 11:23:32 Communion Liturgy by Pastor Ruth L. Foss & message by Raymond A. Foss, “When you have received Communion, Have you ever cried?” Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH 10/7/09