Written in Blood by Raymond A. Foss
My life, my spirit, restored, redeemed saved by my brother his life for my own atonement, salvation writing my name in the book of life written in his holy blood All of my days numbered my life’s story known walking a path I do not chart assured by the words of my Lord His kingdom come my place foretold a mansion in that new city rest at the end of my days
September 18, 2009 based on seeing someone us search string: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-us%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7DMUS&q=savior poem atonement writing name in blood&aq=f&oq=&aqi= “savior poem atonement writing name in blood”, to get to my blog today