The Lie of Affluence by Raymond A. Foss
In the world today truths obscured hidden, buried the life of affluence that the land, plentiful the abundance we enjoy that any of this is the work of man that we are self-sufficient Forgetting the reality all a gift, the fruits of the creator God made all, the source living water, life from the dust breathed into existence the world from nothingness The fruits, the abundance gifts of grace not of our making drinking from the living waters blessings from God
September 14, 2009 and September 15, 2009 Romans 5:1-12 Romans 5:1-5 Jeremiah 2:1-13 Jeremiah 2:13 Call to Worship Unison Prayer & sermon, “Human Limitations and Unlimited Grace” Reverend Huntley Halvorson Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH 9/13/09