Silencing the Prophets by Raymond A. Foss
Sending away, putting into prison, shut him up the killing of the messenger these men of God silencing the prophets so they may not be heard
But others have come, others are sent to share the message the redemption of God
When we turn our face from the ways of the world and turn our lives to the ways of our Lord our lives changed healed, made clean before our maker
By grace alone, the sacrifice of the lamb his blood making me whole a message to share hope to make known to the ends of the earth
July 12, 2009 and July 16, 2009 Psalm 24:3-6 Amos 7:12-15 Mark 6:14-29 and sermon by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, “Rejected . . . Again!”, Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH July 12, 2009 and Mark 6:1-56 and Book of Amos