The word, simple, in some circles a put down someone simple is a negative thing simple, slow, uneducated, not with it Simple, in the greater sense, a holy simpleness focused on only that which matters, shedding the burdens the shackles of the rat race, the cultural demands the loads we all accept, all too willingly gathered up, hefted onto our shoulders a great weight, hanging heavy Simple, in seeing the beauty of the moment the wonder of creation the creator’s hands working in the world in the way of things, purposeful Simple, slowing down, even if a bit to linger with the word, to spend time with family to relax in the luxury of grace Taking time for God and the simple, important things of life
March 15, 2009 Matthew 11:28-30 Romans 12:3-13 Matthew 23:1-12 and sermon, “’Tis a Gift to Be Simple, ‘Tis a Gift to Be Free” by Reverend Huntley Halvorson Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH March 15, 2009