The refining fire, the fire of Pentecost the fire guiding the people by night fire burning, not consuming the burning bush speaking to the prophets, the leaders, the peoples flames, light, warmth, comfort of the presence of God testing fire, the furnace of our lives, trials, all part of the story of God, of the people called the people of the faith, of his sheepfold the servants called to service, the ones called to be his hands, his feet, his reflection carried by the spirit out to the ends of the earth fire burning, purifying, sanctifying our days moving us closer, we pray, to our calling to be Christ to those we meet to guide our steps, in the journey of life
February 22, 2009 Psalm 23:1-4 Jeremiah 29:10-14 Isaiah 43:1-10 and Sermon, “Fire Walker”, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH