Commissioned as He was by Raymond A. Foss
We are commissioned as he was sent by God, by the empowering of the spirit to continue his service, his servanthood, taking up our cross, joining Christ’s yoke walking with our creator, with our savior tilling the fields, planting the seeds, watering, nurturing, pruning, the work in the garden never ending working, toiling in the fields, in the vineyard commissioned as he was to bring the good news to help others become disciples as we are to bring Christ to the ends of the earth
January 28, 2009 Matthew 28:18-20 John 20:21 Acts 2:1-21 and Isaiah 42:6-8 Luke 4:18-19 Matthew 25:31-40 and sermon, “Righteous Say When?” by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH January 25, 2009