Sitting in the den, comfortable, my wife, my children, my mother-in-law all African-American, watching his speech sharing his words, his dream, remembering his work
Our littlest, seven, asking why the picture was in black and white explaining, hard as it was for her to believe, that there was only black and white television at that time incredible, incredulous, watching the preacher on the mall
How much has changed, how much transpired, since those days before the assassinations, before the internet, before Watergate before cell phones, before voting rights, before Vietnam so long ago, so far from today
We gathered today, we will gather tomorrow, black and white, young and old to watch the flickering screen, now in full color to see another chink, another link of the chain loosened
We will watch as another son, another man stands to take the oath, to swear allegiance to our law to take another step, on the road that Martin walked to change our nation, in living color
January 19, 2009 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day watching his “I have a dream” speech with my family; the message, “It’s not just a dream but a reality” on the sign in front of church; the story of Moses and Joshua, Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Joshua 1:1-9 and on the juxtaposition of the 80th birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America along with Micah 4:1-4 Matthew 5:43-48 the sermon, “Love Your Who???”, by Reverend Huntley Halvorson, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH