A moment, this moment claiming Martin, his memory, his cause as our own, the nation changing, moving toward his hoped for future Electing a president, someone to lead who would not have been given respect not so long ago, who would have been as Martin, as so many, outcasts in our land Claiming his mantle, so many, seeing maybe for the first time, the equality, the shared community which he prayed for Rising in unison, one nation, honoring both men on Monday, on Tuesday, this coming week a healing, wounds bound up, a salve, a balm starting a process he longed for, worked for A different land than he knew, beginning again a dream, an oath, a nation moving forward all of us, to some extent, claiming Martin as our own
January 17, 2009 on the juxtaposition of the 80th birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America