Anointed by the Spirit by Raymond A. Foss
Like Christ, like the apostles, each of us, anointed by the Spirit commissioned into a priesthood a servanthood, a fellowship Walking with our savior, our brother journeying together, with our brothers, our sisters all those who walk with Christ all heirs to his promise, to the kingdom yet to come A glimpse of heaven, the tear in the curtain a foretaste of that which will be when we are called into his presence and hear the same blessing for you and for me
January 12, 2009 Mark 1:4-11 Acts 19:1-7 and sermon, “Child of God”, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, January 11, 2009 Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH and sermon title, Beginning, by Reverend Peter Hey, Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH