A New Life by Raymond A. Foss
At that moment, that instant, coming up out of the water, a new life, in the Spirit transformed, in that instant the unknown man, walking through life suddenly the Son of God, acknowledged, anointed, commissioned for his ministry His journey no longer anonymous, unheralded now his steps chronicled for all time his days numbers, his steps recorded His ministry, his purpose ready, waiting calling him, to that desert time that chastening, that testing a new life, walking as God on earth Emmanuel, coming out of the shadows beginning his ministry to save us all
January 12, 2009 Mark 1:4-11 Mark 1:12-13 Acts 19:1-7 and sermon, “Child of God”, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, January 11, 2009 Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH