Teaching a lesson, the same lesson throughout the bible, his holy word that the strong are not better, the rich, the powerful the same in the creator’s eyes by God’s standards, we are all equal all are his children, all need his grace all are our brothers, our neighbors, fellow sinners, journeying this earth
Telling his wisdom, his law, his love with unlikely people, the world upside down bringing us to his standards, not the world’s improbably messengers, heroes, characters on the stage role reversals, changes of fortune, teaching bringing us to his will, to his righteousness to him, to a relationship with him if we would but live not by the world’s standards by not who the winners and losers are but by God’s loving standards
December 21, 2008 Cain and Abel, Genesis 4:9-16 The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25–37 Matthew 25:31-46 & Micah 4:1-7 Luke 1:46-55 and sermon, “An Upside Down Christmas”, by Reverend Huntley Halvorson Suncook United Methodist Church Suncook, NH