As was remembered, four score and seven years later our nation, a new nation was brought forward; but not by war, willed created by the words written in that hall the words of that Philadelphia summer Changing our world, splintering an empire held together by might, for a dream of freedom All are equal, all must be free so is our pledge, our plea the dream of America, still unfulfilled so many summers gone by so far have we come I hear freedom starting to ring part of the dream given voice by another pastor, forty-five years ago may it start in our hearts today
July 4, 2008 Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Gettysburg Address, Emancipation Proclamation, Preamble to Constitution, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, 8/28/1963 written for July 4th celebration Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH In reading this, I noted that the nomination speech of the Democratic Convention this summer will be on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s speech