He repeated himself, in section after section always, always, always all of our days, all of our days, all of our days Yes, in threes he spoke, to anchor the point to repeat and to preach to reach each one of us in the congregation to stir our souls with the promise of God to be with us, to be with us, each one of us always in our troubles, always when the darkness comes, always when there is joy in our hearts We can boldly act, we can go forth without fear we can go into the lion’s den, because He will never leave us he will always be there with us we are never alone Because He keeps His promises Christ was born as the prophets foretold, He lived as the law and the prophets and he died as the Messiah must Christ died by the hands of man He rose by the grace of God He will return as he promised So have hope in the power of his words go forth to do his work Bring hope to the ends of the world!
June 15, 2008 Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission Jeremiah 31:6-17 and the sermon, “A Future with Hope: Audacious Proclamation”, by the Reverend Dr. William B. McClain, New England Annual Conference, Gordon College, Wenham, MA, June 14, 2008