His final words, after the charge to the disciples, to each one of us still a promise He will keep, to be with us always, every day of our lives, with us in every trial in every gladness, in every moment of pain When the days are hard to bear he is with us, the Messiah When we sing with joy he is with us, the Risen Lord When we laugh and when we play he is with us, the Prince of Peace When we grieve and when we pray He is with us, the lamb of God He who lived an immaculate life who fulfilled the promises of the Father left us with a promise in his final words, to be with us Always
June 15, 2008 Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission Jeremiah 31:6-17 and the sermon, “A Future with Hope: Audacious Proclamation”, by the Reverend Dr. William B. McClain, New England Annual Conference, Gordon College, Wenham, MA, June 14, 2008