We, like the shepherds, the wise men, the father and mother, go to the stable each year, at this time, to be reminded to journey with them to be counted, to await the Messiah’s birth, to feel him with us again, more real in the moment, this time of year, feeling the savior coming into the world, as a child His baptism, in the Jordan, that water so rich in meaning, the exodus from slavery to Egypt He now separating us from sin The short walk to his ministry, his teachings, his life as example for us all. His martyrdom, death on the tree. Buried. To rise again. But it is the stable, the manger, where God came among us where we kneel down, and see God as a baby, precious and vulnerable the shoot out of Jesse’s root the fulfillment of the law and the prophets the Word made flesh God with us Emmanuel born in a manger bed Go to the stable