Holy God, Creator and sustainer of the earth, I offer this prayer for myself and the world.
I thank you Lord, for my family, for this beautiful Sunday, for this church and church family, for the changing seasons this season of fall, and especially for your presence.
Lord, I confess that I have fallen short of your grace, that I have not communicated with my family, that I have struggled in my work and I have not put my whole trust in you.
I pray for this torn world, where strife and poverty are too common, where one in seven Americans are without health insurance, and where too many know war and disease.
Lord, I pray for President Bush and the Congress, may they find a way to end war I pray also for this church, as we prepare for a capital campaign and budget, for the Iraqi government and its people I ask for your peace for them and for those who seeks after peace in the Middle East. I pray Lord too, for the world, for global warming and the melting ice caps. May we come to grips with these challenges before it is too late.
Lord, I ask for your guidance, your strength to get more done, to be more available to Ruth, and to help the girls more.
I ask all these things in Your son’s precious name. Amen
September 23, 2007 Part of an exercise in Sunday School, based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7