Agape love, that is what Paul calls us to exhibit, to live to fall as servants, to meet the needs of our neighbors. as we would love ourselves, so must we be to them, if we all did so, what, oh what would be the state of this troubled world. If we used our freedom, given by the Creator, by the Savior to reject our own desires, and became slaves to one another.
July 1, 2007 19:09 Inspired by the sermon by the Reverend Lori Eldredge, “The Pursuit of Freedom: License of Liberty”; by the sermon by the Reverend Lori Eldredge for Children’s Time, “Fresh Fruit”; and by the Proclamation by the Worship Facilitator Alan Schulte, for the Rejuvenation Service, “Do Not Submit to the Yoke of Slavery”, all three based on Galatians 5:1 & Galatians 5:13-25, 7/1/07, Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH