Breathing In by Raymond A. Foss
We are a congregation intent on breathing in, new disciplines, new practices to be sure; but aren’t we ready, ready to breath out
Immersed in the word, in worship, in study, finding new faith, in prayer, in the pews in the mystery of communion world religions, in Adven-tures, in disciple study
Ready now, to seek other work to open our doors, yes, to others, to welcome the visitors, make them family
But we need to go out there when we open the doors, not put a banner on the back of the building, by the entrance, hidden from the main road
We need to walk out in the community in search of souls ready for our welcome ready to join us, ready to hear the Good News we have breathed in ready to breath out His love, his saving grace
February 21, 2007 13:09