I give you thanks for this day, for the days of my life so far and all the future days you will give me;
For You, your love for me, for your consistent holding of covenant with me, throughout my life;
For the word you gave your people, your prophets, your Son, the apostles words that live in us still, in the good news the covenant keeping by You, “I am”;
For the words in the word, written with a message for me, today and each day I open the pages, seeing in the words meaning for my life for the struggles I face, the challenges I have;
For the words of faith shared in devotionals, from the pulpit, in the sanctuary, in prayer, in song, that color our lives, enrich our journey of faith, sharing with other earlier saints, a bit of your grace;
For the sacrifice, the example, the gift of your Son, who came to earth, lived among us, gave us words to guide, to let your Spirit infuse the law, the rules, the loving way, the spirit, not the letter of the law alone, to live life as your servant, as your disciple;
For my wife, my children, my family who love me, really love me who see the good in me, the gifts you have heaped on me beyond my understanding, who brighten my day, each day, with shared words of love, kind acts, subtle ways they share their love with me;
For the gift of intelligence, the gift of passion, for the gift of advocacy, the law, where I can defend, uplift, protect, fight for what is best, heal lives, make a difference;
For the gift of photography, for seeing the world as through a lens, noting the subtle, the oft-overlooked small miracle, hidden but visible if we look;
For the gift of poetry, for being your amaneusis, your transcriber of the words you put in my head, into the cells of my fingers writing;
For the gift of others in my path, for my church family for clients, and others, who touch my life, who teach me nurture me, support me, believe in me;
For you again Lord for all I just wrote and for the millions of other ways You have touched, guided, influenced my life so far and for the certainty of my salvation, through the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, my brother and my Savior.