All is quiet in the house, girls asleep, slowing down the only sound my fingers clicking these words the purr of the computer fan, the flashing red computer light, green power on a desk lamp sends a cone of light over my typing a cocoon really of a glow, keeping me up the electricity hums in the machine I hear myself breathing, thinking of the next clatter of the keyboard, the digits of my hands move in unison toward the touch typing of the letters the motion of the writer, crafting language from the clicking of the keys, the whir of the fan, the ache in my elbow as I lean away from the screen the static electricity of the cathode ray, the warmth of the incandescent bulb, the arc of its lighting pressing onward in the words the thoughts later at night in the quiet in the office after the girls are asleep before I join them in slumber after the typing is done and the period added at the end of the page.