She raised words of actions calls to action, to not stand in the way; but to enable, to embolden, to do our part too; to do the work His work, to be the salt, the seasoning the stirring of the waters breaking the grip, the status quo seeing work that needs to be done, doing that work, whenever we can being feet to the fire, the bellows of the heat of change, stoking the fires of revolution, of shift off the foundations of apathy, of indifference, of complacency in the lies of the greedy, the comfortable thinking anew our place in the struggle for justice, for equality, for the hungry, the oppressed, the sick, the forgotten heeding our roots, in his work, his mission our calling today, now, following his example caring for our neighbors, around the world without borders, languages, or lines in the sand
October 1, 2006 15:30 Sermon titled “Life in Community”, by the Reverend Lori Eldredge, Wesley United Methodist Church, World Communion Sunday on Mark 9:38-50