Words cannot describe the wonder of discovery the play and banter preschoolers and kindergarten learning exploring, awakening to sound and socializing Freed from their biology their situation, by tools by loving supports from teachers, parents ready, willing to sacrifice, to nurture, to learn empower themselves, to prepare their son, their daughter to advocate, to grow, to find their way in a different world, but one where they too belong, where they fit in Choosing one path, one choice, the right one for them Seeing the fruits, smiles, giggles, words and interactions where isolation and frustration would have been their fate in years past Seeing their hearing, knowing only in part the joy, the wonder the amazement in their eyes as they join, engage, their world
September 26, 2006 11:09 Written after observing children in active learning at HEAR in New Hampshire http://www.hearinnh.org/