Evolution by Raymond A. Foss
A mat of green, burgundy, and brown Covered the skin of the once open water Of the marsh, cut off by the black thread The highway I travel so often
Lily pads, bent edges exposed by the bloom The burst of their growth Between the rushes and ribbon of water Down from the woods
How recently it was different Ducks paddling where the blanket is now Untrammeled by foreign plants, Runoff of fertilizers of the farms around
Choked water of brown not blue Murk and smell Off the road that sealed its doom Away from the fresh lake On the other side forevermore
Soon it will be colored by fall hues Fragile weakened trees shedding leaves earlier Sooner than nearby in heartier soils
Truly it can be said, Mournful are the harbingers, The prodigy Of development
August 15, 2005 11:46